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Patriots in Petticoats Kit

Original price was: $285.00.Current price is: $250.00.

Pattern by Common Threads Quilting
98″ x 98″

2 in stock

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The original “Patriots in Petticoats” quilt was created by Hanna Wallis in 1840. Born in 1789 in Pennsylvania, Wallis was the daughter of a Quaker man who was revealed to have been a spy for Benedict Arnold long after his death. Wallis made her quilt to honor American women who fought on the side of the patriots.
Windham Fabrics has worked with the Daughters of the American Revolution to create a replica of the materials used in the original quilt. The original is safely tucked away in the D.A.R. Museum in Washington, D.C.
The kit is packaged like a Block of the Month and has been made up/tested (corrections enclosed) during The Quilted Dragon’s BOM Program.
Month 1-8 Blocks (2 each month)
Month 9 Center Medallion Block
Month 10 Log Cabin Blocks (20 blocks)
Month 11 Ribbon Borders (64 blocks) & 4 star corners
Month 12 Finishing – corner completion, borders.
Each month includes history of Patriots in Petticoats

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